Sell your music at Juno Download

Juno Download is one of the largest independent dance music store in the world.

We work closely with key labels and artists from across the globe to provide DJs and dance music enthusiasts with the most comprehensive catalogue of music downloads online.

All tracks are available in high quality DRM-free MP3 and Lossless WAV/FLAC formats, ready to be played on any MP3 player and through all leading DJ software packages

Upload and manage your own releases

Get login access to your own Label Managment System where you can upload and manage your download catalogue.

View real-time sales

View up-to-the-minute sales stats and download thorough sales breakdowns including useful information like time/date and country of purchase.

Get paid every month

Get paid automatically every month via Paypal or bank transfer once your royalties exceed £50GBP.

Access promotion tools

Get unique promotional tools for your label and each of your releases with HTML code to embed players and banners on your own website or blog.

If you run a label or distributor and are interested in selling your releases on Juno Download, just complete the form below, and we will be in touch.

Label, Label Group or Distributor Name: (Required)
Sub-Labels (if any) :
Please leave blank if None and separate multiple sub-labels
with commas, e.g. Sub-label1, Sublabel2, Sublabel3

E-mail address: (Required)
Contact first name: (Required)
Contact surname: (Required)
Contact telephone number: (Required)
Contact fax number: Registered address line 1: (Required)
Registered address line 2: City/town: (Required)
Postcode/State + ZIP code: (Required)
Country: (Required)
Release artists/supporting information:  Complete at least one of boxes below
Web site address:
Facebook page:
SoundCloud page:
Twitter page:
Myspace address:
Discogs label page: